eRep Blog

It's Hip to be Square

Steve Williamson , VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
December 19, 2022

We often talk about profound personality types, people who are the epitome of the four Core Values Index archetypes. But what if you have a well-rounded personality? What if your psychometric profile is square with equal amounts of all four?

Yak Shaving

Steve Williamson , VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
December 12, 2022

Did you know there's a psychological reason why you went into the bike shed, fell down a rabbit hole, and shaved a yak instead of working on your original task?

What is Talent?

Steve Williamson , VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
November 28, 2022

Are you talented? What separates talent from ability? Can talent be learned or is it something you're born with? How do you find out where your talents lie?

Do More of What Makes You Awesome

Steve Williamson , VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
October 31, 2022

Have you ever tried to nail gravy to a tree or play billiards with a rope? If you somehow succeed at these impossible tasks, would you want more of that kind of challenge? Or would you rather be doing more of the things that make you awesome?

Finding My Professional Path: An Interview with Jeff Jarchow

Steve Williamson , VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
October 24, 2022

After work in strengths (StrengthsFinders), motivations (MCode), collaboration type (mPact), content (YouScience), spiritual gifts, personality (Myers-Briggs & Big Five), and a two day deep dive LifePlan, Jeff lacked something. 'I didn't have my why.'

What Your Hobbies Can Teach You About Your Job

Steve Williamson , VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
October 10, 2022

How you fill your leisure time is a rather accurate reflection of your emotional hardwiring and the needs of your personality. If that differs from your job, you may have a disconnect in what you do for a living.

More Common Questions about the Core Values Index Psychometric Assessment

Steve Williamson , VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
September 26, 2022

A growing number of people are discovering the unprecedented accuracy and reliability of the Core Values Index psychometric assessment. This article addresses some of the more recent questions we've received from those who have taken the CVI.

Q&A About Relationships and the Core Values Index

Steve Williamson , VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
August 29, 2022

Can the Core Values Index psychometric assessment and personality test be used to help married couples in relationship counseling? Can the CVI improve your odds of finding and keeping the perfect partner? We find out.

If You Don't Hire Using This Technique, Your Team Will Fall Short

Steve Williamson , VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
July 25, 2022

Nobody wants to make a bad hire, not even the employee, so why do employers keep using the same old methods yet expecting better results? There is one hiring method that can prevent this. Without it, your team will fall short.

Psychometric Maturity and Your Core Values Index Profile

Steve Williamson , VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
July 18, 2022

Maturity has two definitions. One has to do with insurance policies and some financial instruments, and the other has to do with personal growth. A new third definition involves your Core Values Index psychometric personality profile.

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