Three Hot Questions About the CVI Personality Test

Steve Williamson, VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
Monday, April 17, 2023
Three Hot Questions About the CVI Personality Test

Find the Best Job For You - Get your Personalized Career Guide tailored to match your personality, now included with the Core Values Index, just $49.95

Can the Core Values Index™ help you find a better job? Can the CVI help your organization solve its hiring crisis? Should you take the CVI more than once? We answer these three hot questions about the world’s most accurate personality test.

Q: Can the CVI help me find a better job?

A: Through customer surveys, we have found that seeking job satisfaction is the number one reason individuals choose to take the CVI, the world’s most accurate personality test (better relationships is number two).

Everyone wants more than to just pay the bills, they want to be happy in their work. They want to feel engaged and enthused in their career. They want to have a sense of purpose, knowing that what they do matters and will be appreciated.

The CVI does not measure aptitude. It won't tell you if Job X at Company Y will be a good move (at least not directly).

The CVI will tell you the type of activities that will make you happy. Pursue those. The CVI will also tell you what kind of activities will make you feel disengaged. Avoid those.

Individuals that take the CVI have a tremendous opportunity to understand themselves and how they tick, and that is invaluable when choosing the best job or even the best career for them.

→ The CVI is fantastic for high school or even college students seeking to choose their best occupational path.

If the CVI describes your ideal day as one spent in creative pursuits working with and motivating others on a team, then choosing a job or career that entails a lot of data analysis while working in isolation probably isn't for you.

There are no systems or assessments that can accurately and reliably answer the question, "Should I take this job?" — yet, at least not in those words. The CVI has that potential, but for now, its greatest ability is to help you understand your own personality's DNA so that you can seek the job or career where you can make your highest and best contribution.

Q: We own a small business with 50 employees experiencing a hiring and turnover crisis. How can the CVI make us a more efficient and productive operation?

A: The CVI is not just for individuals who want to understand themselves better. It is used in several ways within the business world to great effect.

The most effective way the CVI can positively impact productivity and workplace efficiency is through accurate hiring — putting the right people into the right seats.

Companies conduct a Top Performer Profile to define the ideal CVI psychometric profile of a role. Job candidates take the CVI and their profile is compared to that role's TPP. Highly matched candidates are moved up in the hiring process.

→ We have found that candidates hired with highly matched CVI scores to a role's TPP profile often exhibit 200% or higher productivity compared to their un-matched peers, and experience 50% or lower turnover.

These employees report significantly higher levels of engagement and job satisfaction — and that will make your customers happy, too.

Nothing makes customers happier than happy employees.

There are other ways the CVI can be used quite effectively in businesses and organizations.

For instance, the Happiness Index employee engagement survey is the only product of its type in the world that calibrates an individual employee's results with their particular CVI profile. The results are presented in a uniform and easy to understand 0-100% scale, yet each score "depends" on the employee's ideal. Happiness Index is highly accurate and available exclusively at

Q: I took the CVI a month ago and still have some questions about how it represents my personality. Is it advantageous for me to take it again?

A: There are two aspects to this question. One has to do with the CVI and its repeat reliability. Would your assessment results differ if you took it a second time? The other aspect has to do with your knowledge of how the CVI works and how your profile represents your personality. We'll tackle these issues in that order.

The CVI has been determined through longitudinal studies1 to have a 97.7% repeat reliability rating. This means that if you were to take the CVI a second or even a third time at some point in the future, your scores would likely differ by no more than 2.3% on average.

No other psychometric assessment or personality test on the market today even comes close to the CVI’s level of accuracy or repeat reliability. For comparison, the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) struggles to exceed 50% repeat reliability.

Considering that, you would gain no additional benefit by taking the CVI more than once.

The second part of this question pertains to your individual knowledge of how the CVI works, what it represents, and how it describes your specific personality.

As with all psychometric assessments and personality tests, humans are far more nuanced and subtle than a few broad classifications can hope to represent. Earth has 8+ billion human inhabitants, and it is not possible to group them into 4 or even 12 broad classifications.

Not all Geminis or Scorpios are the same.

The CVI describes your personality as having different ratios of four personality traits, what we call core values. Each of your core values are represented by a score between 0 and 36. A score of 0 means you have none of that personality trait within you, and a score of 36 means you have the maximum.

When you combine your CVI scores amongst those four core values with your personal life experiences, that represents you as a unique individual — unique amongst 8+ billion.

When our customers take the CVI and have questions about how their CVI report represents their unique personality, we have two suggestions.

First, read your full CVI report. There is a great deal of information within it that is specific to how you tick. It describes how you see the world and why, how you prefer to learn and why, how you prefer to communicate and why, and it even describes how you react to stress or conflict (and why).

Second, learn about the CVI in general. What are the four core values and how do they influence not only your personality, but the personality of others? One of the biggest benefits of taking the CVI is understanding how it shapes the way you prefer to interact with the world. It also informs and enhances your ability to understand others.

Core Values Index™ and CVI™ are trademarks of Taylor Protocols, Inc.


[1] Seattle Research Partners 2014-PDF

Go to to learn more about the CVI or to take the Core Values Index assessment.

Steve Williamson

Steve Williamson

Innovator/Banker - VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.

Steve has a career in project management, software development and technical team leadership spanning three decades. He is the author of a series of fantasy novels called The Taesian Chronicles (, and when he isn't writing, he enjoys cycling, old-school table-top role-playing games, and buzzing around the virtual skies in his home-built flight simulator.

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