Maximize The Value Of Your Core Values Index Profile

Steve Williamson, VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
Monday, January 31, 2022
Maximize The Value Of Your Core Values Index Profile

Find the Best Job For You - Get your Personalized Career Guide tailored to match your personality, now included with the Core Values Index, just $49.95

Once you take the Core Values Index psychometric assessment and read your report, either for work or as an individual, you're done, right?

Nope. The CVI provides ongoing value for many years to come — perhaps your entire career and even your entire life. Here's how.

The CVI report is easy to read and understand, but there is a lot of depth to it as well.

Once you complete the CVI and begin reading your comprehensive report, you'll discover two things. It is both easy to read and understand, but there is also a lot of depth to it.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the CVI in general, and learning your particular CVI profile specifically, is how it sheds new light on past and present experiences. For example, if you think back to work or personal relationships that were either highly successful or a serious challenge (think "We were like oil and water and never saw eye-to-eye"), your CVI profile and the profile of the other person can explain why.

For instance, those you interact with that have similar CVI profiles as you will likely see things the same way, they will have similar communication styles, and you will seem to think along the same lines.

Conversely, you can meet some people and clash with them right from the start, seemingly without explanation.

These relationship and interaction patterns can all be explained and even predicted with the CVI.

As we've described before, your CVI profile shapes and determines how you look at the world. It defines the lens through which you see others and sets many of your unconscious expectations for how people should behave (like you) and how things should work.

See also:

Seeing the World Through the Lens of your Core Values Index Profile

How I See You And How You See Me

Everyone you meet has the same experience. You see them through your CVI lens, and they see you through their CVI lens. This means that people who have a very different psychometric profile from you will behave in ways that differ from how you expect. People with similar CVI profiles will behave in ways that are very familiar and appealing to you. All of this is subconscious until you learn about your own CVI profile specifically and learn how the CVI works in general.

People who have a very different psychometric profile from you will behave in ways that differ from how you expect.

Read your report and learn how you tick. Get to know your own profile — what is your primary core value energy? What is your secondary, tertiary, and even your minor (fourth position/last place) core value? These four core values and their relative proportion within you all shape how you see the world and subconsciously prefer to operate within it.

See also:

The Score Matters: Get To Know Your Core Values Index Scores

Next, learn about the four core values (Builder, Merchant, Innovator and Banker). Discover how they operate, how they communicate and learn and process and prioritize. Through this broader knowledge, you can learn how to spot the likely CVI profile of others.

See also:

How to Guess Someone's Core Values Index Profile

Whether it be in the context of work or in your personal life, being able to identify another person's CVI profile is profoundly useful. This allows you to shift your expectations as you interact with them. Instead of expecting them to communicate the way you prefer, you can instead change how you convey information so that it fits their expectations.

See also:

The Myth of The Golden Rule: Treating Others How You'd Like to be Treated

The ability to communicate in the manner most effective for the other person is one of the most useful soft skills you can learn.

If you are giving a sales presentation to a prospective client, wouldn't you like to know which communication style is most likely to positively resonate with them?

After you complete the CVI (it only takes about 8 minutes), there are several valuable resources available to you.

The first is your full/comprehensive CVI report. It is custom tailored specifically for you and is the first thing you should read. Use it to get to know how you tick.

Second, included with your full/comprehensive CVI is The Core Values Index Handbook, written by Lynn Ellsworth Taylor, the creator of the CVI. It is available as a PDF download, included free as part of your full CVI report. It contains valuable information about how the CVI works, with specific focus on each of the four core value energies.

Next, peruse the wealth of helpful articles on the blog. We have provided hundreds of articles that describe how the CVI works, ways to use it to communicate and learn more effectively, and much more.

Finally, in your day-to-day interactions with others, start practicing ways to identify their likely CVI profile. This is a skill that can be learned and is profoundly useful both today and well into the future.

Go to to learn more about the CVI or to take the Core Values Index assessment.

Hiring with the Core Values Index and Top Performer Profile raises employee performance by 200%+ and reduces turnover by 50% or better. → Learn more

Steve Williamson

Steve Williamson

Innovator/Banker - VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.

Steve has a career in project management, software development and technical team leadership spanning three decades. He is the author of a series of fantasy novels called The Taesian Chronicles (, and when he isn't writing, he enjoys cycling, old-school table-top role-playing games, and buzzing around the virtual skies in his home-built flight simulator.

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