Apex - Pay Equity

Apex - Pay Equity

Ensuring your organization pays your staff equitably (as defined by the law) can be a very time-consuming and burdensome endeavor. Apex was created by eRep to make this process as easy and accurate as possible.

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  • Unlimited Job Listings on eRep.com
  • Applicant Search
  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
  • Unlimited Happiness Index employee surveys
  • 3 full/comprehensive CVIs™ (a $150 value)
  • One hour consultation with a CVI expert (a $200 value)
  • No credit card required — no long-term commitment — cancel at any time


Advanced Pay Equity Compliance System

If you have two or more employees in your organization—including yourself—Apex is for you.

Inspired by Oregon's Pay Equity Act of 2019, eRep created Apex, the Advanced Pay Equity Compliance System. Apex helps organizations compensate their employees equitably and to comply with the law where applicable.

Ensuring employees are paid equitably through a compensation audit can be a tedious process, and employers need all the help they can get to efficiently gather all relevant employee data and analyze it. That's why eRep created Apex.

Violation of pay equity laws will hurt. It is very expensive, costing you back pay, compensatory damages, punitive penalties and legal fees.

It's always cheaper to avoid pay equity problems in the first place than to correct them afterward under court order.



Gathering all relevant employee data in one place is a challenge. Apex streamlines the process with an efficient templating system that saves you a lot of time.


The analysis provided by Apex gives you the information you need to identify any compensation inequities that may exist. It can also help you avoid expensive penalties and fines if a claim is filed.


Several powerful reports give you the ability to immediately spot key trouble areas at a glance, and dive deep when more thorough analysis is needed, all in one easy to use application.

How Apex Works

Apex is a web-based application that helps organizations compensate their employees equitably—especially when required by law—in two key ways:

Data Management

Efficiently gather all required employee data into a well-managed system, saving you time and improving accuracy.


Analyze your employee and job data and provide reports that identify possible pay inequities. This helps ensure you are compliant with applicable laws.

Avoid Expensive Compensation Problems

Apex helps you identify inequities in your compensation packages, especially when comparing roles that have comparable character, so you can make corrections before expensive and damaging legal claims come up.

What is "comparable character" and how does it apply to my company?

In the eyes of the law, two jobs with comparable character are the same even if they have different job titles. Most pay equity laws use comparable character as a key definition when determining if two people are compensated equitably.

Work of a comparable character is defined as:

Work that requires substantially similar knowledge, skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions in the performance of work regardless of job description or job title.

Here are just a few of the ways you may be compensating your employees inequitably, maybe without even knowing it.

  • Discriminating between employees on the basis of a protected class in the payment of wages or other compensation for work of a comparable character.
  • Paying wages or other compensation to any employee at a rate greater than that at which you pay wages or other compensation to employees of a protected class for work of a comparable character.
  • Screening job applicants based on current or past compensation.
  • Determining compensation for a position based on current or past compensation of a prospective employee.

Not that long ago, it was a common practice for an employer to change the job title of a female employee, even though she did the same job as her male counterpart, so they could pay her less. Modern pay equity laws based on comparable character plug that legal (and unethical) loophole.

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Let us know how we can help. An eRep Employer Services representative will contact you to answer any questions you may have about our suite of services.