Twenty Things You Probably Didn't Know About Your Personality

Steve Williamson, VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
Monday, December 25, 2023
Twenty Things You Probably Didn't Know About Your Personality

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Here are twenty things you probably didn't know about your personality, how it's measured, and the way people can use their natural emotional talents to succeed.

1. According to the world's most accurate and reliable psychometric assessment and personality test1, the Core Values Index, there are four main personality types called core value energies. Each person has a particular ratio of those core value energies within their personality's DNA.

2. Some people have well-rounded personalities, combining similar ratios of all four core value energies. Other people are "profound", with a single core value energy dominating the majority of their personality.

3. Although life experiences can suppress or reveal different aspects of your personality, your emotional DNA is essentially "baked in" at birth or shortly thereafter and changes very little throughout your lifetime.

4. When you meet someone, if the two of you have similar personality profiles, you are more likely to gel on an emotional level and just seem to "get each other" regardless of how similar or different your life experiences have been.

5. Any personality type can get along with any other personality type, but the farther apart they are in their CVI profile the further they have to travel (metaphorically) to understand each other's perspective.

Any personality type can get along with any other type. Some just take more work to "get there."

6. You cannot willfully or deliberately change your innate personality. Any behavior you exhibit that is outside your personality's DNA is contrived (consciously or unconsciously) and cannot be sustained over long periods of time without it becoming increasingly uncomfortable.

7. The way someone instinctively reacts to conflict or stress is one of the quickest ways to identify their likely personality profile.

8. At a high level, default compatibility between two people can be computed by comparing the similarity or difference between their Core Values Index psychometric profile scores.

9. It's possible for two people with dissimilar CVI profiles to still have a happy relationship but they must first learn how their innate, unchanging personalities differ. Without that knowledge, compatibility will require increased effort.

10. There is no perfect personality profile suitable to all occupations or careers, but each role has its ideal personality profile. Someone with that profile would have a much greater chance of success because they would enjoy the work at a fundamental level (enjoyment of a role and performance in that role often go hand-in-hand).

No one is perfect, but learning how you are hardwired can help you live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

11. Data reveals that employees with a CVI personality profile closely aligned with the ideal profile of a role often exhibit 200% or higher productivity and 50% lower turnover than their peers who are not psychometrically matched to the job.

12. There doesn't yet appear to be any genetic component or biological connection between a parent's personality profile and the profile of their offspring.

13. However, anecdotal data suggests identical twins tend to have similar psychometric profiles, while non-identical twins and non-twin siblings can have very different personalities.

14. Your innate personality profile is the same when you're a child, an adolescent, and an adult. You may suppress parts of your personality when around your parents or friends or co-workers, but the innate and default part of your personality remains the same. [Traumatic experiences, drugs and mental illness can alter your personality, of course.]

15. Like the difference between weather and climate, the way you behave in a given moment or around a certain person or group isn't necessarily representative of your innate and unchanging personality profile. You will often shift your behavior to match the room, so to speak, but your default behavior remains relatively constant throughout your life.

16. Although you may have a numerically identical CVI profile as someone else, it is the combination of your psychometric profile and your life experiences that makes you truly unique.

17. You can't play to your strengths if you don't know what they are. Taking an accurate and reliable psychometric assessment like the Core Values Index is one of the most efficient ways to learn how you are hardwired.

You can't play to your strengths if you don't know what they are.

18. After taking the CVI and reading your personality report, you can find the answers to two very important and valuable questions: What is your ideal learning style, and why do you react to conflict the way you do (and how can you react more positively)?

19. If you use the CVI to learn how to recognize what someone else's likely personality profile is based on how they're reacting to conflict, you can use your knowledge of how the CVI works to quickly and effectively deescalate the situation (there's a hint in #20 below).

20. What makes you happy based on your personality profile also determines what scares you the most. Your greatest fear is the opposite of your greatest source of happiness.


21. Your personality and your aptitudes are two different things. The CVI measures and reports on the kind of activities that you enjoy the most (and why). What you enjoy will often determine where you're most successful in your personal and professional life. The CVI doesn't directly measure aptitude, but by describing what you'll enjoy and why, you can use it as a springboard to finding your own personal success.

Core Values Index™ and CVI™ are trademarks of Taylor Protocols, Inc.


[1] Seattle Research Partners, 2014 [PDF]

Go to to learn more about the CVI or to take the Core Values Index assessment.

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Steve Williamson

Steve Williamson

Innovator/Banker - VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.

Steve has a career in project management, software development and technical team leadership spanning three decades. He is the author of a series of fantasy novels called The Taesian Chronicles (, and when he isn't writing, he enjoys cycling, old-school table-top role-playing games, and buzzing around the virtual skies in his home-built flight simulator.

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