Six Things You Didn't Know About the Core Values Index

Steve Williamson, VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
Monday, July 23, 2018
Six Things You Didn't Know About the Core Values Index

Find the Best Job For You - Get your Personalized Career Guide tailored to match your personality, now included with the Core Values Index, just $49.95

The Core Values Index is a psychometric assessment (personality test) that measures and objectively quantifies an individual's innate, unchanging nature. The CVI is used by Human Resources teams and hiring managers as well as recruiters in organizations from mom-and-pop small businesses all the way up to large corporations.

Individuals also rely on the CVI as the most reliable personality test on the market today.

When people take the CVI and read their full report, the most common reaction is, "How does it know me so well?"

Until you take the CVI, however, you may have some questions about what it is, how it works, and how it changes lives.

Here are six things you may not know about the Core Values Index psychometric assessment, plus a special bonus tip at the end of the article:

#1: Repeat reliability

Measuring the accuracy of a psychometric assessment is actually rather easy. One of the best ways to tell one assessment from another is by measuring their repeat reliability. This is a measurement of how consistent the results are for a given individual when they take the assessment multiple times.

For example, if you took an assessment when you're 25 years old and again when you are 65, an accurate test would yield scores very similar to each other. Perfection would be 100% repeat reliability, meaning both scores would be identical.

The Core Values Index assessment has the highest repeat reliability of any psychometric assessment on the market today, over 97%. No other psychometric assessment or personality test on the market even comes close.

#2: Popularity

When choosing a psychometric assessment for yourself or for hiring within your organization, you want to choose one that has market traction and has a proven track record.

The Core Values Index assessment has been taken by over 1,000,000 people, and more are taking it every day. It's here to stay.

#3: Four core values yet nearly unlimited combinations

When you take the CVI, you receive numerical scores in four core values. These values are called Builder, Merchant, Innovator and Banker. They represent (respectively) the amounts of power, love, wisdom and knowledge you have within your innate, unchanging nature.

At first blush, it would be easy to assume that it's not possible for a unique individual to be represented by just four values like these. The power of the CVI is in your actual scores. For each of those four values, you get a numerical score between 0 and 36. The sum of all four equals exactly 72.

It is the relationship and relative values of your four scores that represent you to an extremely high level of mathematical accuracy and precision.

#4: Score and rank job candidates before interviewing them

The traditional hiring process involves posting a job ad, reviewing applications and resumes to filter the applicant pool, conducting interviews, and making a selection.

This process is time consuming, expensive, and inaccurate.

The new way to put the right people into the right seats is to use psychometric data gathered as part of the application process, then use a scoring algorithm within an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to rank candidates. Those within the top tier are brought in for interviews and ultimate selection.

The CVI has revolutionized the hiring process and brought accurate hiring to businesses and organizations everywhere by integrating applicant CVI scores with a powerful yet easy to use ATS to streamline the hiring process while simultaneously making it very accurate.

#5: Relating to others

When you take the Core Values Index assessment, the full 17-page report not only gives you a tremendous amount of surprisingly accurate insight into your personality's DNA, you also get a lot of insight about how you instinctively interact and respond to others.

Learning about the CVI helps you understand others as well as yourself. In fact, the full CVI report includes a section that helps you understand how you respond to conflict and situations that take you out of your core values. Many people who take the CVI find this insight to be extremely useful in their daily lives.

#6: You can take the CVI for free

To get a taste of what the CVI has to offer, we provide a free version. The difference between the free and full versions is the amount of information you receive once you've completed the assessment (the assessment itself is the same either way).

As you can probably guess, the information you receive with a full CVI is well worth the low cost. In fact, the full CVI costs quite a bit less than competing psychometric assessments, takes less time to complete, and has higher repeat reliability.

If you take the free CVI, you can upgrade your report to the full version at any time. You only have to take the assessment once.

Visit to take the free CVI.

Bonus tip: It only takes 8 minutes!

Many of the well known psychometric assessments on the market today, such as Strengths Finders, the DiSC, Myers-Briggs, and others, can take an hour or more to complete. Furthermore, their results are often vague and require specialized training to interpret.

The Core Values Index only takes about 8 minutes to complete and the results are both thorough and easy to understand.

But don't let the quickness of the test fool you. As we mentioned in #1 above, it is the most reliable psychometric assessment available on the market today!

Businesses use the CVI for more than just hiring

Although using the CVI to pre-screen candidates during the hiring process provides immense value, many businesses and organizations use CVI-integrated eRep services on an ongoing basis to fuel team performance.

The Performance Fuel and Happiness Index applications fuel employee engagement, empowerment, and productivity. Smart organizations use these applications to provide their employees with the benefits of the performance fuel formula:

Clarity + Purpose + Feedback

Employees need these three things to succeed. Clarity is knowing what needs to be accomplished without ambiguity. Purpose is knowing that what you do matters and will be appreciated. Feedback, provided in the right amount and in a timely manner, ties the performance fuel formula together.

The eRep Performance Fuel application provides your team with clarity, purpose and feedback in an integrated, cost-effective system that can take your organization to new heights of performance.

Take the First Step

If you are interested in learning more about the Core Values Index and how it can help you as an individual or help your organization, explore our web site at Be sure to visit our FAQ section to see many answers to commonly asked questions.

Go to to learn more about the CVI or to take the Core Values Index assessment.

Steve Williamson

Steve Williamson

Innovator/Banker - VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.

Steve has a career in project management, software development and technical team leadership spanning three decades. He is the author of a series of fantasy novels called The Taesian Chronicles (, and when he isn't writing, he enjoys cycling, old-school table-top role-playing games, and buzzing around the virtual skies in his home-built flight simulator.

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