Effective Feedback Based on the Core Values Index Psychometric Assessment

Steve Williamson, VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
Monday, September 28, 2020
Effective Feedback Based on the Core Values Index Psychometric Assessment

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When giving feedback, true effectiveness is achieved when the person giving the feedback adjusts to the person receiving it.

It is important to understand that you see the world through your own psychometric lens, but it is even more valuable to understand the perspective of the other person.

Tailor your message to how the other person sees the world, and you will find that your feedback will be received more constructively and positively.

The Core Values Index

To understand your psychometric profile and the profile of others, take the Core Values Index Psychometric Assessment.

The CVI represents the human operating system using four emotional descriptors, or core value energies.

The four possible core value energies are:

  • Builder: Power and action
  • Merchant: Intuition and human connections
  • Innovator: Wisdom and problem solving
  • Banker: Knowledge and justice

You have different amounts of these core value energies within you, each with a score from 0 (none) to 36 (profound).

It is your specific ratio of these scores that makes up your unique personality.

Feedback Profiles

Builders want to win, so they like feedback that helps them compete. They are also about action and don't like to have their time wasted. Give them feedback where the payoff is obvious, and be brief in your delivery. When giving feedback in written form, use bullet points, not long-winded explanations.

Bankers can handle feedback the best of all four core value energies. They take it eagerly and constructively. If the Banker doesn't respect the person giving the feedback, however, they can fall into their conflict resolution strategy of aloof judgment. The best way to give a Banker feedback is by using quantifiable data.

→ See also: What Your Reaction to Conflict Reveals About Your Psychometric Profile

Bankers don't appreciate feedback or criticism that is based on hunches or gut feelings. They value data and facts and this should be the priority behind what is presented. Between the two, Bankers are more likely to prefer written communication over verbal or in-person conversation.

Innovators are all about continuous improvement. The motivation of an Innovator is to be the wisest person in the room, the one everyone turns to for solutions to challenging problems. Feedback that helps them increase their wisdom and problem-solving abilities is preferred.

Feedback for its own sake doesn't do an Innovator any good. They need to understand the reason behind it. They need to understand the how and why behind it. Don't hesitate to explain why the feedback is being given to the Innovator.

"Innovators want to know how the watch works. Merchants just want to know the time."

Merchants don't like criticism, and are averse to it more than any other core value energy. They need seven compliments for every one piece of constructive feedback they receive. Merchants are all about self improvement but they want it so they can improve their relationships with others. They want to expand and improve their ability to positively influence others.

Because the Merchant's top priority is to be the source of love in the room, they are keenly aware of anything that makes them feel like they are unworthy of that love. This is why they are especially prone to take constructive criticism in a non-constructive way. They must be reassured that what they are being told is going to help them improve their ability to connect with others, that it will improve their emotional bond and standing. Above all, they must know that it will in no way diminish their worthiness of love.


It is important to understand your own CVI lens, but more important to understand and tailor your message to the profile of the other person. After completing the CVI and reading your full report, we encourage you to peruse The Core Values Handbook, a 173-page PDF that is included free with your Comprehensive CVI Results Package. This will give you tremendous insights and information about all four core value energies. It will greatly improve your ability to give — and receive — feedback constructively and positively.

Go to eRep.com/core-values-index/ to learn more about the CVI or to take the Core Values Index assessment.

Hiring with the Core Values Index and Top Performer Profile raises employee performance by 200%+ and reduces turnover by 50% or better. → Learn more

Steve Williamson

Steve Williamson

Innovator/Banker - VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.

Steve has a career in project management, software development and technical team leadership spanning three decades. He is the author of a series of fantasy novels called The Taesian Chronicles (ruckerworks.com), and when he isn't writing, he enjoys cycling, old-school table-top role-playing games, and buzzing around the virtual skies in his home-built flight simulator.

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