How to Use the Core Values Index to Get Along With Others

Steve Williamson, VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
Monday, September 27, 2021
How to Use the Core Values Index to Get Along With Others

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I recently spoke with a young couple who had been married for a little over two years and were enjoying the delights of their newborn daughter who had been born just a week before. During our discussion, the subject of where I work (eRep) and what we do (provide the Core Values Index psychometric assessment) came up. I made some guesses about what their CVI personality profiles were. Shortly after they each took the assessment to find out.

Our discussion then turned to the relative compatibility of their two profiles as a couple. This conversation got me thinking about how each of the four primary core value profiles interact with each other, how they see each other, and how they can maximize their relationship whether it be romantic, friendly, or professional.

Get Started

If you haven't already, begin by taking the Core Values Index psychometric assessment and have your full report handy. The assessment itself only takes about 8 minutes to complete.

(If you have the limited/free CVI report, log into your eRep account at and upgrade your report to the full version — you don't have to re-take the CVI assessment.)

The CVI assesses the amount of four key personality types that innately exist within you. These personality types, called core value energies, are measured on a scale from 0 (none) to 36 (maximum), and each person has a specific ratio of the core value energies within them. Your four core value scores total exactly 72.

The four core values are:

  • Builder: Power and action
  • Merchant: Intuition and human connections
  • Innovator: Wisdom and problem solving
  • Banker: Knowledge and justice

Can we all just get along?

Let's begin with a common question: Are some CVI profiles more compatible than others?

Can someone who's highest core value energy is Merchant and second highest core value is Innovator (commonly called a Merchant/Innovator) get along with someone who's a Banker/Builder?

Can Bankers get along with Innovators? Can Builders get along with Merchants?

(Remember, each person has a specific ratio of all four core value energies, but we're simplifying the discussion here by referring to the top two core value energies.)

By way of example, I am an Innovator/Banker and my scores are:

27-Innovator, 17-Banker, 15-Builder, 13-Merchant

My Builder and Merchant scores are my two lowest (tertiary and minor, respectively).

Because those two are my lowest scores, that means I have the least amount of those core value personality types within me. Am I able to get along with those who are Merchant/Builders or Builder/Merchants?

What if a co-worker has the exact opposite profile as me, a 27-Merchant, 17-Builder, 15-Banker, 13-Innovator?

This is a lot of scores and terminology to throw around, but the basic gist is that myself and someone who is 'opposite' me have different emotional hardwiring.

Different Psychometric Profiles

We get asked many times at eRep if two people with different CVI profiles can get along, work together, or even have a successful long-term relationship together.

As with most things, it all depends. But, there are some general guidelines to consider.

Those with similar profiles will naturally see the world through similar lenses. They will share similar perceptions of what goes on around them. They will have similar preferences for the kind of activities that make them happy. They will utilize and prefer similar communication styles.

Those with dissimilar profiles will not automatically share the same perspectives and preferences at first. They may communicate with each other in ways that take a small amount of translation and understanding.

Imagine a New Yorker that moves to Portugal. There will be some culture shock and it may take some time to adjust, but the Yankee is perfectly able to learn to love the Portuguese lifestyle and blend right in, even though they will forever remain a New Yorker at heart.

How do friends, co-workers or couples find a way to live in the same world if they don't share the same CVI?

The answer is surprisingly simple: They learn how the CVI works and then tailor their expectations and communications style to the other person's profile.

The story of Bob and Bill

If Bob the Banker needs to communicate important information to Bill the Builder, he will recognize Bill's preferred way of operating and summarize what he knows into a few key points, rather than give Bill the unabridged and complete list of facts. (That's how Builders like to receive information: succinctly.)

Bill will understand that Bob is a Banker. He will trust that Bob has examined all the data and evidence and therefore Bill can have faith in the information Bob provides, knowing his Banker friend has all the complete information available should it be needed. (Bankers love to gather knowledge and share it with others.)

Between Bob the Banker and Bill the Builder, there will exist a level of trust and understanding that enables them to work together effectively and efficiently, all thanks to the CVI.

What about couples?

We have anecdotally observed that couples who share at least one primary or secondary core value tend to get along more naturally than those with more disparate profiles.

Couples who don't share primary or secondary core values can use their knowledge of the CVI and their knowledge of each other's profile to adjust their expectations and communication styles appropriately. Just like any relationship, be it platonic, professional, or romantic, there is a learning period where both sides get to know the other's style.

The New Yorker can't move to Lisbon and expect the locals to act and think like someone who grew up in Manhattan.

With the CVI, a couple armed with the knowledge of their own profile and the profile of their partner can achieve long-term happiness and contentment.

The CVI doesn't measure love, but it provides valuable insight into communication styles and the way people perceive the world and each other.

The trick is for both of you to take the CVI, read your full reports, and learn how each other sees the world. This knowledge is the key to getting along successfully and happily, and it only takes 8 minutes. You can wait longer than that in the fast-food drive-thru.

Go to to learn more about the CVI or to take the Core Values Index assessment.

Steve Williamson

Steve Williamson

Innovator/Banker - VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.

Steve has a career in project management, software development and technical team leadership spanning three decades. He is the author of a series of fantasy novels called The Taesian Chronicles (, and when he isn't writing, he enjoys cycling, old-school table-top role-playing games, and buzzing around the virtual skies in his home-built flight simulator.

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