Are You My Type?

Steve Williamson, VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
Monday, October 21, 2024
Are You My Type?

Find Your Perfect Career - Learn how to match your personality to the ideal job or career for you-risk free-$49.95

If someone asked you to describe your personality, which response would you most likely give?

A. "I like to move fast and break things."

B. You tell a long and entertaining story about an experience you had in the past year, focusing more on how it felt rather than on any verifiable facts, while casually name-dropping at least one famous person or place along the way.

C. You answer with another question, "Can you be more specific?"

D. With a calm voice, you say, "My Core Values Index™ psychometric profile is 24-Banker, 18-Builder, 17-Innovator and 13-Merchant. I took the assessment on July 4th of last year after my first cousin, Richard, mentioned he'd taken the CVI at as part of a job application. I wasn't sure it was accurate at first but after doing some research I found out the CVI is the world's most accurate and reliable psychometric assessment with a nearly 97.7% repeat reliability rating."

Personality Types

The world currently has over 8 billion people. Can that many individuals from so many different cultures be narrowed down to just four categories of personality? Of course not!

The truth about personality types is fascinating. There is a particular ratio of four personality types (called 'core value energies') that exist within each of us. Not only are there millions of different combinations of core value energies, but when you couple your psychometric profile with your life experience, every one of us is truly a unique individual.

In essence, you have different amounts of A, B, C and D within your personality's DNA, each in its own ratio.

How does your personality type impact your life? Isn't taking a personality test just for entertainment?

The More You Know About Your Personality, The Better

They say ignorance is bliss. They also say what you don't know can't hurt you. Tell that to someone walking barefoot in rattlesnake country.

Although not dangerous, understanding the "what" of your personality explains a tremendous amount of the "why" behind your behavior.

  • Your psychometric profile determines how you see the world and how you prefer to operate within it.
  • Your personality influences the activities and career choices you'll enjoy, and what you enjoy plays a huge role in where you'll be successful (or not).
  • Your personality type determines how you prefer to communicate and even the way you prefer to learn.
  • Your personality's DNA even determines how you react to stress and conflict.

Would ignorance of this be blissful? Knowing your default and unconscious reactions when things get heated goes a long way toward choosing more constructive ways to soothe those troubled waters.

It's not just about you, though. Learning how you tick also gives you the knowledge you need to understand how other people tick as well.

Wouldn't it be useful to know how your relationship partner sees the world and why? If their personality is dominated by type A ("Builder" in Core Values Index terms) and your primary personality type is C ("Innovator"), that will explain a great many things regarding how the two of you get along (or don't).

This is all just psychobabble, right? A bunch of loosey goosey mumbo jumbo about personality, as useful as mittens for snakes and as actionable as a 12-choice horoscope?

It depends.

If you take the wrong personality test, psychobabble is an accurate descriptor (the pun about accuracy is quite intentional. For example, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator MBTI is about as accurate as a coin toss and very loosey goosey when it comes to its horrendously low repeat reliability).

If you take the right personality assessment — like the Core Values Index — things get real accurate real fast.

Instead of assessing and describing your personality as one type or another, the CVI determines the specific ratio of four personality classifications — core value energies — that exist within your personality. Some are higher, some are lower. It is the particular combination of your core value energies and how they influence your preferences and default behaviors that make the CVI so useful.

Take the CVI and read your report. It is super easy to understand, and when you are ready for a deeper dive, it comes with The Core Values Handbook, a 196-page PDF that provides an expanded level of valuable information about how the CVI works.

Oh, and the CVI only takes about 8 minutes to complete. Amazing, huh?

And if you're the hesitant, reluctant type, we've got you covered. The CVI at comes with a 10-day money back guarantee if you're not fully satisfied. It's risk-free.

Can you think of a better, more accurate way to learn how you tick and why in 8 minutes or less?

Core Values Index™ and CVI™ are trademarks of Taylor Protocols, Inc.

Go to to learn more about the CVI or to take the Core Values Index assessment.

Employees hired with a CVI that closely matches a Top Performer Profile often outperform candidates hired without a TPP match by 200% or more. → Learn more

Steve Williamson

Steve Williamson

Innovator/Banker - VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.

Steve has a career in project management, software development and technical team leadership spanning three decades. He is the author of a series of fantasy novels called The Taesian Chronicles (, and when he isn't writing, he enjoys cycling, old-school table-top role-playing games, and buzzing around the virtual skies in his home-built flight simulator.

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