Employment Type
Lansing, MI 48823
$20.00 - $30.00 Hourly
Medical, Vision


Assist management with the administration of the ice arena.  Provide top notch customer service, with a smile, to patrons via telephone and in person.  Operate the point of sale for public activities.  Process program registrations and provide other administrative related task support as needed.


Strong interpersonal, organizational and communication skills.  Proficient working with computers and various software programs.  Excellent customer service skills, high work capacity and ability to work with Positive Energy.  Multi-tasker able to succeed in a fast paced, fun environment.  Hockey and/or Figure Skating enthusiast a plus.

Evening and weekend availability desired.


Well-developed interpersonal skills and knowledge of customer service principles, including customer needs assessments and customer satisfaction evaluations
Accuracy and attention to details

Previous administrative experience or executive assistant
This Job Is Ideal for Someone Who Is:

Dependable -- more reliable than spontaneous
People-oriented -- enjoys interacting with people and working on group projects
Detail-oriented -- would rather focus on the details of work than the bigger picture

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