Guess Your Personality Type

Steve Williamson, VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.
Monday, January 20, 2025
Guess Your Personality Type

Find the Best Job For You - Get your Personalized Career Guide tailored to match your personality, now included with the Core Values Index, just $49.95

Your height is easy to determine, but what about your personality type? How you are emotionally hardwired probably has more to do with your happiness and success in life than your ability to reach things on the top shelf.

Most people go through life experimenting with different activities, trying to find what makes them happy. After a long series of trial and error, they might land on something that brings them joy.

What may surprise you, though, is most people stop there and never ask: Why does this particular activity make me happy?

There's a key to what makes you happy — and why — and it's all about your personality's DNA.

How you are emotionally hardwired is largely set at birth and changes very little throughout your life (severe trauma is one of the few things that can alter your baseline personality).

(There's a difference between personality and behavior. The former is climate, the latter is the weather.)

Unlike most mysteries of life on this planet, figuring out the core of your personality doesn't take a lifetime to learn.

Would you believe it if we told you that it only takes 8 minutes to determine your personality's DNA?

Here's how.

Discover Your Personality's DNA

Step 1. Take the Core Values Index. It is the world's most reliable and accurate psychometric assessment-slash-personality test, and it only takes about 8 minutes to complete.

Step 2. Identify your primary core value energy on your CVI profile chart.

Core Values Index profile chart, showing Innovator as primary core value energy with a score of 29

Step 3. Read the section below that corresponds to your primary core value.

Now try these bonus steps...

Step 4. After reading about all four core value energies below, guess the CVI profile of your partner, bestie or favorite co-worker.

Step 5. Get that person to take the CVI and see how many you got right.

Core Values Index Basics

There are as many unique personalities in the world as there are people, but everyone has a particular ratio of four fundamental personality characteristics (called core value energies). These core value energies are called Builder, Merchant, Innovator, and Banker. Read about them below.

Let's go!


Builders are all about getting things done, with a strong sense of self-faith that they'll always know what to do, no matter the situation.

  1. The power and drive of Builders makes them more courageous and adaptable in new or stressful situations.
  2. An object in motion tends to stay in motion, and the Builder is probably the one who got it moving.
  3. Builders lead by example. Their style is to take immediate action and apply their personal energy to reach the desired result.
  4. When dining out, the Builder often orders the first thing that looks good and are annoyed by long menus.
  5. Builders don't like situations where they cannot directly impact or lead the effort.
  6. Builders are very intuitive which allows them to handle most situations easily and with little stress.
  7. Most people like to win. Builders feel like they have to win.
  8. Builders have a communication style that is direct and down to business, leaving little room for nuance or pleasantries.
  9. Builders don't like to juggle multiple projects at once. They prefer to be more efficient by focusing on one task at a time.
  10. Builders are often willing to go all-in to reach their goals.


Merchants love to be the source of love in the room. Their desire to be connected and motivate others makes them great team leaders. The Merchant also seeks truth in everything they do.

  1. Merchants tend to value the relationships they form while creating results even more than the results they create.
  2. How much information do you need to make a decision? Merchants only need about 30% before they feel ready.
  3. Merchants require lots of activity when learning, and they enjoy being entertained or being the entertainer.
  4. The Merchant cares about what others think of them and will strive to do well to make a good impression.
  5. Merchants see formality as restrictive when building relationships and prefer more open and free discussion.
  6. Merchants are at their best when they inspire others to get excited about their vision.
  7. The instant rewards a Merchant feels when interacting with others gives them an immense and almost constant flow of energy.
  8. A Merchant will rarely ask if something is possible because they assume that most things are.
  9. Merchants value relationships and connections with other people above all things.
  10. When communicating, Merchants often use storytelling minus lots of detail.


Innovators, as their name implies, love to solve problems more than any other activity. They are the most compassionate and altruistic of all core value energies, seeking to help others for unselfish reasons.

  1. Innovators are naturally creative.
  2. Innovators are naturally skeptical and tend to question everything.
  3. When it comes to patience, no one has more than the Innovator.
  4. The Innovator's catalytic value is compassion. This causes them to be consistently more open-minded than others.
  5. Little contributes more to an Innovator's happiness than exchanging ideas with others.
  6. Innovators have an analytical mind that is always seeking a better way to do things.
  7. If you want to keep an Innovator engaged, they must have new problems to solve and challenges to overcome.
  8. Innovators like feedback because they are all about continuous improvement. They need to understand the how and why behind it.
  9. The Innovators in a group are the least likely to give up when seeking a specific solution to a given problem.
  10. Innovators can get bored or disengaged once a problem has been solved, motivating them to look for the next shiny challenge to overcome.


Bankers love gathering data and knowledge more than anything else. It is their greatest source of joy. They also have a strong sense of justice, which means they might aloofly withhold their wealth of knowledge if they deem you don't justly deserve to receive it.

  1. It is virtually impossible for a Banker to ignore injustice.
  2. Bankers tend to make decisions slowly, and they don’t like to be forced into action or hard time-lines.
  3. Bankers seek to obtain and absorb all the facts about a situation before cautiously recommending a course of action.
  4. When trying to learn a new topic, the Banker needs to fully understand all of the parts to feel they understand it adequately.
  5. Bankers learn by reading and studying facts and information.
  6. In the Banker's mind, even if they trust someone they won't necessarily take their word for it and will look it up for themselves.
  7. Nobody follows directions as precisely or as thoroughly as a Banker.
  8. It is difficult for a Banker to make a decision or take action without being able to examine all the relevant data first.
  9. Bankers are pragmatic people, willing to accept reality, measure results and work hard, consistently.
  10. Bankers are detailed in orientation, and linear in presentation.

Core Values Index™ and CVI™ are trademarks of Taylor Protocols, Inc.

Go to to learn more about the CVI or to take the Core Values Index assessment.

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Steve Williamson

Steve Williamson

Innovator/Banker - VP Digital Marketing and Content, eRep, Inc.

Steve has a career in project management, software development and technical team leadership spanning three decades. He is the author of a series of fantasy novels called The Taesian Chronicles (, and when he isn't writing, he enjoys cycling, old-school table-top role-playing games, and buzzing around the virtual skies in his home-built flight simulator.

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