Success Stories

Success Stories

Read about individuals and employers that have used the Core Values Index™ psychometric assessment to foster their own success.

Success Stories

Veenhuizen Painting Specialties — Portland, Oregon

Owner Kyle Campbell says, "I purchased Veenhuizen Painting from the founder when he retired. It didn't take long to realize there were operational problems, sales problems, and staffing problems that needed solutions."

"It was a lot to tackle. The first thing I did was have the entire staff take the Core Values Index psychometric assessment."

Has the CVI helped?

"In the four years since then, I make more than ever and I now work about sixteen hours a week instead of fifty. The CVI has been the most important single factor in creating this success."

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Sara Eltinge — CEO, The Herbery RWZ, LLC

"Rarely am I blown away by something, but eRep's Top Performer Profile and Core Values Index was an incredible experience. To have this level of confidence in the use of the CVI during our hiring process really surprised me."

Adam Morris — Co-Founder, SalesFirst Recruiting

Adam Morris, co-founder of SalesFirst Recruiting, faced challenges recruiting internally because they are so selective. Using Top Performer Profiles™ and the Core Values Index psychometric assessment helped SalesFirst bring on rockstar employees.

"My recruiters who have 'perfect' CVI scores effortlessly perform their duties. They are more consistent and the job seems to come easier to them. All my recruiters are really skilled in so many different ways, but I notice much more stability from my recruiters who score within our Top Performer Profile™"

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Dr. Jennifer

"I use a form of values-based therapy called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and the Core Values Index helped me learn more about myself in my relation to working with patients. I found it useful and after taking the assessment and reading my full report, I was easily able to highlight all the facts with which I can personally relate."

Lovett Services — Portland, Oregon

President and founder, Dale Lovett, came to learn about the Core Values Index psychometric assessment early on and has been a strong believer in the power of the CVI ever since on both a personal and professional level.

Dale says, "We use the CVI extensively when hiring staff to make sure they have the right profile for their job. The use of the CVI in hiring has been a big success for us."

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Blaine Bergson — Owner, Bergeson Leadership Services

"I have taken many assessments, but the CVI has been the most useful by identifying the blend of deep core values that are the underlying drivers to much of my behavior and personality such as when and why I become defensive or what energizes or drains me. Additionally, just understanding the various core values has helped me to ask specific questions during my conversations with others so I can identify and honor their innate core value and adjust my style of communication."

Kevin Dahlgren — Gresham, Oregon

"The Core Values Index is the best psychometric assessment tool I have ever used. It showed in accurate detail how I am hardwired and also showed me areas I could improve. I work professionally in homeless services and must perform at the highest level. The CVI is helping me reach and exceed that level. With the thorough assessment I received I now have the knowledge which will help me reach my fullest potential."

Gary Cosmer — President, Lovett Services, Inc.

"I have used the Core Values Index process professionally now with three businesses and consider it a mission critical tool for building a great company. I try to balance my organizations with strong contributors from each CVI quadrant and create a square organization using the sum of all the contributors. I also use the CVI in my personal life to better understand how to interact with friends and family, especially around potential conflict."

Bobbi Thayer — Quality Assurance and Compliance, Steck Medical Group, Chehalis, Washington

"The Core Values Index psychometric assessment has taught me that we all have different learning styles, method of communication, and overall approach to everyday routines. It has also provided me with a better understanding of what I need to do in my role. I am more successful when providing training to staff, and my implementation of workflows and overall communication has improved. I have also noticed that employee satisfaction and motivation in our organization has increased significantly."

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  • Unlimited Job Listings on
  • Applicant Search
  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
  • Unlimited Happiness Index employee surveys
  • 3 full/comprehensive CVIs™ (a $150 value)
  • One hour consultation with a CVI expert (a $200 value)